I hope you are doing well and are excited for a new year ahead. 

I look at a new year as a new launching off point; a separation between last year and next year. It’s a great time to think about:

What will be different?  What can you let go of?  What do you want to invite in?

For me, this past year was all about transformation. 

I have transformed my own life from a “more-of-the-same” one to a life filled with purpose, clarity, and intention. I am guiding my clients through various forms of transformation as I help them to develop a new relationship with their money. With that I have gained a new perspective, motivation and excitement about the future, and I am seeing my clients find that fresh perspective too!


In case we haven’t talked in a while, let me update you on my career. 

Last November I moved from New York Life to an independent financial advisory firm, SummitView Advisors. This firm is composed of all female advisors! That is a rarity in this industry and I am so proud to be a part of it. If you’d like to learn more about what I’m up to, please visit my website at www.anneverhart.com.


Starting at the beginning of the new year, I will be sending out a monthly newsletter with financial tips and ideas. 

If you’d like to opt out of receiving these short and sweet monthly newsletters, please just unsubscribe – no hard feelings! (There will be an unsubscribe button in the next one). If you decide to stick around for them, you can expect helpful tips and tricks that have personally worked for me and my clients.


I would like to share a timely tip with you – something you 

can do between now and December 31st:

Make a charitable donation. 


There are a few reasons for this:

  1. Donating to a cause you believe in allows you to align your values with how you spend your money.
    • As Lynne Twist writes in her book, The Soul of Money, “We feel at peace within ourselves and confident that we are an integral part of a larger, more universal experience, something greater than ourselves.”


2. When you give, you receive.

    • Everything around us is made of energy, including money. The energy of money flows when you allow it to!


3. It’s a tax write off!

    • If you are looking to reduce your taxable income for 2021, make that charitable contribution before December 31st.

      • For the year 2021, a unique extra incentive for charitable donations has been added. The maximum charitable deduction has previously been 60% of your adjusted gross income, but this year it has increased to 100% of your AGI.

    • You can also gift this donation to someone you care about. You will get the write off, but the donation will be in your loved one’s name.

    • Expenses related to volunteering for a qualified organization can also be tax-deductible donations!


I would love to hear from you about what you have planned for the upcoming year. 

Please book a time with me here so I can hear what you’ve been up to. I have sent this letter to the folks I care about, so I’d love to catch up with you!

And of course if you are wondering what else you could do before December 31st to help your tax situation or your financial planning for the year ahead, please let me know. I’m here to help.

Sending my best, Ann